Top 4 Summer Home Improvement Trends in Arizona
When the weather gets hot – home owners in Arizona tend to look forward to keeping cool. When it comes to home improvement the growing trend is energy conservation while maximizing comfort. When you look at most of the growing remodeling trends, finding cost-effective ways to increase overall comfort while saving money on monthly utilities has become a real focus for many Americans.
Four of the Top Home Improvement Trends In AZ
First – Upgrading HVAC Systems
As technology improves, manufactures of HVAC systems have taken proactive steps to develop new systems that focus on using fewer natural resources to increase indoor comfort. Arizona home owners are starting to notice these improvements and have taken an interest in upgrading their older, energy-consuming HVAC systems with new, Energy Star® rated systems. Some of the most popular remodeling jobs include the installation of heat pump systems; designed to use the earth’s core and temperature to maintain an average temperature inside the home. Read more