
Bathroom Remodeling in Scottsdale AZ: Maximizing Your Space

Bathroom Remodeling in Scottsdale AZOne of the more popular projects taking off in recent months is many homeowners completing bathroom remodeling in Scottsdale AZ. Before you grab the sledgehammer and begin to remove all of your fixtures, slow down for a few minutes and think. Bathroom remodeling projects can be tricky. And one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome is finding ways to maximize space into the remodeling project.

Steps To Take When Beginning Any Bathroom Remodeling

Step #1 – Complete a Strong Inventory of Essentials vs. Desires

The truth about bathrooms is they serve a purpose. But this doesn’t mean they can’t be filled with a few nice items that enhance the look and feel of this commonly used room. The first step that you should take when beginning a bathroom remodel is to take stock of the available space, along with a list of items you need to have inside the bathroom as well as a list of items you’d like to add. Read more

Peak One Builders Begin Remodeling Army Ranger Remsburg’s Home

Peak One BuildersOur Nation’s heroes often give their lives and livelihood to protect the freedom that we all enjoy on a daily basis. When we can supply some time, materials and a little bit of sweat to give something back to help them live a higher quality of life in their time of need, the rewards are bigger than any large construction contract can provide. The team at Peak One Builders is proud to announce the official groundbreaking for Army Ranger Sgt. First Class Cory Remsburg and his new home remodeling project allowing him to continue to recover from a 2009 injury that nearly claimed his life.

Jared Allen’s Homes For Wounded Warriors Remodeling Home For Sgt. First Class Cory Remsburg

Sgt. First Class Remsburg joined the Army when he was 18 years old and went through the rigorous, specialized training to eventually become an elite Army Ranger, deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan 10 times. He spent a total of 39 months in combat and made leader of his company’s heavy weapons squad. Among many honors, Remsburg has been awarded the Purple Heart, the National Defense Service Medal, the Bronze Star, and was honored during this year’s State of the Union Presidential Address. Read more

Home Restoration & General Contracting Services in Phoenix AZ

General Contracting Services in Phoenix AZ One of the most popular reality TV themes these days is the concept of flipping houses. And whether you’re a fan of Flipping Vegas, Flipping New York or flipping whatever, a growing trend especially in Arizona is home owners contacting general contracting services in Phoenix AZ to complete their restoration projects. And if you’re in the mood to upgrade your home, create a good plan of attack that will yield positive results every time.

Build A Solid Plan By Following A Few Important Tips

Tip #1 – Create a Vision for your Restoration Project in Phoenix Just like a winning sports team, in order to achieve a smooth end result you have to first have a goal in mind. In the case of restoration projects, a great idea is to sit down and carefully think about what you’re end result might become. Read more

3 Ideas On How To Make A Theater Room In Your Scottsdale Home

How to make a Theater RoomIt’s amazing what homeowners will do to increase their comfort and entertain friends. Case in point: Did you know that most homes that are involved in Parade of Home events across the country are built with custom-made theater rooms? Believe it or not, there is a simple reason for this growing trend – it’s a very affordable way to increase your overall value of a home and also increase entertainment options for family and friends.

Whether you’re looking to install a simple surround sound system or build a state-of-the-art entertainment room, there are details you should consider when deciding on how to make a theater room that will accomplish exactly what you are looking to achieve.

3 Details To Consider When Making A Theater Room

First – Consider your Budget

It’s a reality of life that money tends to dictate options. In building a home entertainment center, creating a solid budget on what you can afford to spend is often the best way to begin this process. One of the biggest mistakes that many homeowners get into is overspending – especially when it comes to creature comforts like building a home theater. And if you’re stressing about paying the bills or making ends meet, you really won’t have time to enjoy that newly constructed home entertainment option. Read more

Completing a Bathroom Shower Remodeling Project in Phoenix

bathroom shower remodeling projectIt’s amazing how many homeowners in Phoenix are beginning to see the value and fun associated with bathroom remodeling projects. In fact, one of the most cost-effective home improvement projects is making the decision to complete a bathroom shower remodel. And believe it or not, it’s also a project that many homeowners can do it themselves. If you’re looking to start a bathroom shower remodeling project, here are a few important tips to consider that will make the process easier, cost-effective and ensure the job is done right the first time.

3 Tips To Consider When Remodeling A Bathroom Shower

Tip #1 – Begin with an End in Sight

Having a clear and concise plan of attack is always the best course of action for any remodeling project. When you’re thinking about remodeling your bathroom shower, it is sometimes best to first consider the end product. A bathroom shower remodel often involves the following individual elements: Read more