
Choosing An Energy Efficient Homebuilder In Scottsdale AZ

Choosing a Custom Homebuilder in ScottsdaleChoosing a Custom Homebuilder in Scottsdale that Focuses on Energy Efficiency

Truth be told, there are many custom homebuilders in the greater Scottsdale area. However, there are very few that focus on ensuring that your custom home is energy efficient. The fact is that energy rates are skyrocketing in Arizona. Whether it’s due to our resources or economic reasons, finding affordable ways to integrate energy efficiency when choosing a custom homebuilder in Scottsdale has become a priority for many new homeowners.

Five Important Factors To Consider When Choosing An Energy Efficient Custom Homebuilder

First – Define Your Individual Needs

Before you begin to interview custom homebuilders, the first thing you need to do is determine exactly what you’re looking to build. Believe it or not, different custom homebuilders often have individual specialties. So before you start searching, know exactly what type of home you’re intending on building. Read more

Five Ways To Save Energy During Our Hot Summers in Arizona

Ways to Save Energy during AZ SummersWhen it gets hot in Arizona, we all feel the financial pinch. A common reality of living in the desert is that our energy consumption rates often skyrocket during the hot summer months. Whether it’s due to the AC units running frequently or the constant use of swimming pools, the truth is that many homeowners often need to find efficient ways to save energy during AZ summers. Fortunately, we have a few tips especially for those that are looking into remodeling their homes soon.

Three Upgrades That Save Money During Our Hot Arizona Summers

First – Consider Upgrading to Energy Star® rated Major Appliances

Buying a new major appliance when you remodel a home might seem counterproductive, however, this idea has significant merit. We all know that as technology improves, so does efficiency. However, new US Department of Energy regulations have set forth tremendous requirements for energy efficiency in newly manufactured major appliances. This standard is known as Energy Star® rating. A new HVAC system that is Energy Star® rated has been shown to use between 20-35% less energy to produce similar comfort levels than older systems. And when you’re goal each summer is to save money and energy when it’s hot outside in Arizona, it simply makes sense to invest in a more energy efficient machine. Read more

What Is An Energy Efficient Home If I Live In Scottsdale?

What is an Energy Efficient HomeThe term ‘Energy Efficient Home’ is often widely used as something that every homeowner should strive to obtain. But what exactly does it mean? And if you have an Energy Efficient Home in Alaska, is it the exact same thing as being in Scottsdale? The truth is that different geographic locations require different elements to create a home that is energy efficient and comfortable. As such, when you ask what is an energy efficient home, the truth is that it depends on where you live.

To keep things simple and practical for those who live in the Phoenix metro area, the goal is this: keeping a home as energy efficient as possible – while still maintaining comfort all year long. Read more