Luxury Custom Home Building In Scottsdale Is On The Rise
Maybe it’s because of the economy slowly improving – perhaps the lower fuel prices or the baby-boomers approaching retirement, but custom home building in Scottsdale is definitely on the rise. In fact, custom home building across the entire Southwestern United States is becoming more popular; especially as home owners begin to discover the amazing value and pride that comes with building a home from scratch. It’s due to this fact that many are starting to inquire about the custom home building process and how to find the right dream house builder in Scottsdale.
With that being said, here are a few custom home building tips that will help you prepare better if you want to hire a great custom home builder.
Tip #1 – Create a list of Custom Home Building Needs vs. Wants
Anytime you are thinking about building a custom home, it’s important to start the process with the end in mind. And in the home building arena, this often begins by having the home owners create a ‘wish list’ of items, locations and attributes they want included inside their custom home. Here are a few specifics to consider:
- Dream location? Where do you want to build a custom home? Is it based on proximity to family, work, friends, and social or relaxing activities?
- Is the dream location practical? Make sure that a location you’d like to build has all the proper logistic needs like electricity , running water, sewage and other important items.
- How many rooms do you want? What type of rooms, for hosting friends or family?
- What type of add-on’s are your looking for inside your custom home in Scottsdale?
- Do you want a garage, if so – attached or detached? How many ‘toys’ do you have or plan to have?
This is just a beginning list of need to have items and want to have items that will help you create a foundation for the custom home building process in Scottsdale.
Tip #2 – Find an Experienced Custom Home Builder in Scottsdale
After you’ve created your initial custom home building checklist, you’ll then want to interview a few reliable and experienced custom home builders. There are several great builders in the greater Scottsdale area, but a good idea is to check with some of your friends or relatives that may have recently built a custom home in Scottsdale and ask them about their experience with the home builder. If it was a positive one – try to set up a meeting with them. Otherwise, a simple Google search will give you some good starting points.
Here are some specific items to look for with any custom home builder:
- Make sure they are licensed, insured and bonded to build custom homes
- Make sure they cover the entire custom home building process
- Make sure they are good people – dedicated to helping others in the community
Tip #3 – Set Some Realistic Goals and Financial Restrictions
Once you’ve met with a great custom home builder and you’re very serious about building a new home, it’s now time to get serious. And the most important element that is involved in building any home is setting a budget. Your budget will dictate how to approach all phases of the custom home building project in Scottsdale. And whether you’re independently wealthy, or have serious financial restrictions – it’s essential to set a solid budget and time-line before you invest one penny.
The process and excitement that comes with custom home building in Scottsdale is truly magical. And there is nothing better than sitting in your new, custom-built home after you completely move into your dream home. However, if you are serious about building a custom home, make sure to follow a few of these tips – and you’ll discover that building a custom home in Scottsdale can be very rewarding.