Peak One Builders and Development LLC

License # ROC179911, Class B Residential & #ROC263504 Class B Commercial

$1,000,000 general liability, $1,000,000 automobile, and a $2,000,000 excess/umbrella policy w/ Farmers Insurance (copies are required by all banks prior to processing any loans)

Peak One Builders has been in business since November of 2002. We have maintained a zero complaint record with both the Arizona Registrar of Contractors, and the Better Business Bureau.

Yes, see references link.

Locations vary; please ask for experience in your area.

Both, depending on size of project. Also, Peak One Builders does not condone the use of illegal aliens for use on any jobsite or project, regardless of the scope of work. When day laborers are needed, we get these workers from Construction Staffing Services (CSS). Additional information is available to homeowners to verify employees and sub-contractors.

Varies throughout the year, please ask status at current time of your interest. We also prefer to keep our business at a smaller scale in order to provide more attention during the construction process.

Varies throughout the year, please ask as each job is different.

Legal Questions

We have maintained a zero complaint record with both the Arizona Registrar of Contractors, and the Better Business Bureau. The Arizona registrar of Contractors can be contacted at:

http://www.azroc.gov/clsc/AZROCLicenseQuery?pagerequest=license, just type in the license number 179911. Or you can contact them by phone at 602-542-1525. The Better Business Bureau can be contacted at http://www.arizonabbb.org/, just enter Peak One Builders and Development and follow each page to get results. You can also contact the Better Business Bureau by phone at 602-264-1721.

Peak One Builders & Restoration LLC has been in business since November of 2002. We have not operated under any other license number, nor have we been a part of any other construction type company, residential or commercial.

Peak One Builders has never filed any form of bankruptcy.

Employees and Subcontractors

Peak One Builders uses both, depending on project.

Approximately 80% of Peak One Builders subcontractors have been used for the last 4 years. Our two main employees have been with our team since 2004.

All sub-contractors are required by Farmers Insurance to carry $1,000,000 liability insurance, with $500,000 vehicle damage. Prior to the start of each new job, Peak One Builders verifies license and insurance to make sure they are current. Annually, Farmers audits Peak One to verify all subcontractors carry the correct amount of insurance.

Yes, prior to the start of each new job, Peak One Builders verifies license and insurance to make sure they are current.

Management Skills

Homeowners are typically contacted 3-4 times a week, and depending on what stage of the job we are at, we have weekly on-site meetings to go over all that has transpired the past week, and what issues there might need to be addressed. Typically on a given day, we can meet on short notice such as 3-4 hours. However, we value our time and respect yours as well, so we prefer 24 hours notice.

Absolutely not. In fact it is in your best interest to get a final lien waver to clear all subcontractors as well as the prime/general contractor. Peak One Builders will sign an affidavit that all subcontractors have been paid or will be paid promptly with the final payment.

Workers shall not be expected to keep gates and the like closed if applicable for animals and children. Homeowner agrees to remove and/or protect any personal property, in or near the work area, including shrubs, flowers, wall hangings, knickknacks, and the like. They are also responsible to remove anything from the rooms to be worked on to locations such as the garage.

We request that you designating a homeowner agent if there are any decisions to be made on your behalf. However, we have never had to action this due to prior planning and scheduling. It’s not unusual for clients to choose to go away on vacation to escape the noise and dust of a Scottsdale residential remodeling project. That can also be convenient for the builder — until the unexpected happens and the job grinds to a halt because there’s no one on hand to make a key decision.

If the homeowner is going to be unavailable, Peak One Builders require him or her to designate an agent with legal authority to make decisions relating to damage, hidden conditions, and other unforeseeable events (below). A reliable local contact can also be helpful in other ways. “Say you set off the security alarm while you’re working. When the police show up, it’s nice to have someone to tell them you’re supposed to be there.”